Interview of Charles-Edouard Vincent, Lulu Dans Ma Rue founder and CEO

How can we create a more inclusive society without leaving too many people on the side of the road?

Charles-Edouard Vincent, member of the Strategic committee of ESG Lab & Society, Founder and CEO of Lulu Dans Ma Rue, shares his vision of ESG and more particularly of the social/societal pillar that is particularly important to him.

The importance of creating a more inclusive society

In this interview, Charles-Edouard Vincent stresses the importance of creating a more inclusive society: «Today, we all suffer from these phenomena of exclusion that can go as far as violence ».

It is crucial for him to think about how to create more cohesion and how to bring together all stakeholders in society, including the most vulnerable.

For Charles-Edouard Vincent, ESG is part of the core business of companies. They have the power to change things with other stakeholders of the society.

The ESG Lab & Society: a role as a catalyst

The ESG Lab & Society acts as a catalyst between companies, government, and civil society. For Charles-Edouard Vincent, we need structures of this kind with a multi-stakeholder vision.

Charles-Edouard Vincent is a key figure of the Strategic Committee of the ESG Lab & Society. He brings his knowledge of operational, social entrepreneurship, social and societal issues as well as his optimism!

Charles-Edouard is graduated from Polytechnique, Ponts et Chaussées and Stanford university. He joined forces with Martin Hirsch, President of Emmaüs France, and created Emmaus Défi in order to provide innovative solutions to fight against extreme exclusion. Then he founded Lulu Dans Ma Rue in 2015, a company he now runs, to create activity for all those who need it.